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ISEA 2015 Vancouver “The Brain As A Hackable Driver”


Media Lab @ the Met - 3 Years of Hacking the Institution


Sounds, Image, Data - NYU Steinhardt/Goldsmiths/Leonardo, The Brain As Reinterpretation Device


New York Electronic Arts Festival - Harvestworks


Hyperallergic named "Best Blog" by International Association of Art Critics

See these art/tech mashups from Art-A-Hack at Livestream Public


Feral Experiments, Big Apps, Australia


Art-A-Hack(TM) Collaboration Between Artists and Technologists, President


NYC BigApps Manhattan, Featured Speaker, "The Brain As A Visual Device"


"Unbound" A Tribute to Aaron Swartz at Thoughtworks, New York, "Surveillance Siddhi"


E2 Entrepreneur Squared at Inno-Center, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong, Presenter


Hong Kong Polytech University School of Design, Lecture on "Creativity and Cognition"


"KHMER NOCTURNES", an RGBD Toolkit piece made in collaboration with the Metropolitan Musem of Art's Media Lab


The 3rd Annual Juried Video Show, Raritan College, "Surveillance Siddhi"


Curate NYC, "Surveillance Siddhi" one of 18 selected digital works out of 1,900 entries by Amanda Hunt, LAXART


THE IMAGINARY APP, group exhibition, Artisphere, Arlington, Virginia


Bushwick Film Festival, New Media Panel Presenter "Surveillance Siddhi"


HyphenHub Invited Member - Connecting Art, Technology and Business


Peer Reviewer, Leonardo Magazine/Electronic Journal


THE IMAGINARY APP, group exhibition, Museum  London, London, Ontario, Canada, September, 2013


Reality Sandwich NABS Community Podcast Ellen Pearlman


Accepted into Ph.D. program in the School of Creative Media at Hong Kong City University


Past Tense, Future Imperfect curated by Koan Baysa, Art Share, L.A.


Video of Cyberfest in Russia, including lecture at the Hermitage


Nothing and Everything Reviewed in Hyperallergic


Curator, 3D Volumetric Society/CultureHub/LaMaMa Electric [Circus}


Media Circus in Time Out NY


National Academy of Design ARTalk, John Cage Centennial


Two Great Reads, John Cage Trust


Review of Nothing and Everything, Journal of Global Buddhism


Presenter, Art Panel ISEA 2012 New Mexico


Leaders In Software and Art (LISA​


Video Train Mashup, Group Show, Local Project, Long Island City - also at La Casitas de Sunset Park, Brooklyn


Immersive Interiors Group Show, Studio Anise, Soho NY


Interview in the Brooklyn Rail concerning "Nothing and Everything


Presenter/Lecturer NYU IPT Camp


In the Belly of the Beast, New Media Show at CATM Chelsea

Literary Kicks Reviews "Nothing and Everything"​


"Nothing and Everything" selected by Publisher's Weekly


Podcast for "Nothing and Everything"


Artistic Adviser, YuanFen Flow Beijing -Fostering China's Creative Entrepreneurs


ISEA 2012 New Mexico, Accepted Artist Panel Paper, “Myths of Creation & Destruction"


College Art Association, 2012, Is It Time to Question the "Privileging" of Visual Art?” Greta Berman and Ellen K. Levy. Video Presentation: Ellen Pearlman, Andrea Polli, Victoria Vesna, Patricia Olynyk, Jack Ox, Stephen Vitiello, and Marcia Lyons.


ISEA New Mexico 2012 Machine Wilderness Panel Reviewer​


Submission Reviewer, ISEA 2012 New Mexico Machine Wilderness​


Journal of Computational Media and Design, Issue No. 3  "I Move In Decades"


Awarded Thesis Research Grant for Banff Residency, University of Calgary


Presenter, Electra Montreal and ISEA Istanbul Art Market


Awarded Banff Artist Residency, Digital Media Research Film/Video, Banff Center, Canada


Awarded University of Calgary Graduate Conference Travel Grant


Awarded Center For Research In Fine Arts Grant, University of Calgary, Canada


3rd Buddhism and Science Conference, National University of Singapore, Aug. 2011 and Kong Meng Sang Phor Kark See Monastery, Singapore


ISEA ISTANBUL 2011 "Transcending into the Virtual: Presence Prognostications and the Re-Calibration of Telematic Art"​


Makerbot 3D Workshop, 3rd Ward, Brooklyn


A Guide To Using the Kinect - Harvestworks, NY


Named Videotage Hong Kong FUSE Artist in Residence


Co-Director, Syneme Summer II in Telematic Art


"Here and There", a World Premiere of a work conceived 39 years ago for the dynamics of the Internet by renowned American Composer Stuart Sanders Smith. Played by Joshua Fielder and members of the Tavel Arts Telematic Collective. Sensor glove and visual effects by Ellen Pearlman


"Nuclear Sweet" featured in CMD Journal


"Nuclear Sweet" a telmatic work chosen as the "Wild Card" Emerging Artist Choice at the Happening Festival


Contributing Editor, Computational Media and Design Journal,


ResoNations, Arts for Peace of the UN-NGO WAFUNIF Sponsored by the Permanent Mission of the United Arab Emirates to the United Nations


United Nations on-line panel member: Real Time Interaction - Innovation and Development in Internet Telecommunications Technologies, Innovations Talks III: Real-Time Interaction via Internet Technologies -- Meeting Development Goals, Enhancing Potentialities and Implementing Access 2-3 December 2010​


Co-Founder, Syneme Summer I -VIMEO Video Videotage Hong Kong


TAMSIL (Tsinghua University Art and Science Media Laboratory ) with Parsons School of Design, Inaugural International Symposium on Media Art Laboratories, Beijing, China


Brooklyn Live Work Coalition Formation


A Brief History of the Brooklyn Rail





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